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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Open to a New Way of Seeing Things

Copyright 2008 Fia Crandall

What if every single thing that happened in my life, happened to lead me to the life I have always wanted to live?

What if all the challenges I faced were to not just help me grow, but to help take me to my most amazing life?

To help me become the person I need to be to be able to attract and live that life as my reality?

What if the Universe is fully supporting me and always has been, to move into the life that calls to my heart?

How would I be different if I believed this at a deep level?

How would I approach the challenges that came my way, knowing that with each one I grow I get that much closer to all I want?

What if I truly knew the Universe was supporting me 100% in helping me create the life I have always wanted?

Would I get frustrated when challenges come up, or would I be grateful for the opportunity to take me forward?

Would I just have the determination to quickly move through the challenges I face, knowing the good that will come of them?

Would I still focus on what is not working or would I start to see all the magnificent ways the Universe is supporting me?

What if everything that happened to me, happened to take me to the life that makes my heart sing?

This is the truth that I have found and with this truth came an understanding that truly supports me. One that has led me to continuous, conscious
forward movement, into living a life that gets more and more amazing all the time. Despite any challenges that come my way.