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Monday, December 15, 2008

Shifting Your Energy from Lack to Fulfillment

Copyright 2008 Fia Crandall

Do you find yourself feeling disappointed sometimes with the way things are in your life?

Do you find yourself thinking... with all I know and all I have, why am I not as happy as I think I should be?

With all I've done to create the life I want, why am I not feeling fulfilled like I think I should?

I know what it's like. To know so much, to have so many tools, yet looking around at your life and not seeing it be the way you want. Or maybe having a lot of what you want and not being capable of feeling the joy you thought it would bring you.

I have learned that no matter what happens on the outside, no matter how good the outer is matching what you wanted, you still have to become the person who is happy and who enjoys life. If you don't become this person, it can be an empty chase of the outer trying to make you feel better within.

What have you had your fixed focus on manifesting? For me it was always career. To do what I love full-time. When this outer reality finally appeared I realized something. I hadn't shifted who I was to be the person who could fully live this in a way that felt good throughout the days.

The truth is, the outer can't make you feel good. And I love finally knowing that when you become the person who feels good, the outer manifestations you want come so much easier. And more than that, they just add to how good you already feel, rather than make you feel good.

What a shift.

Sound like something that you're ready for?

Take action. Let's get you started moving toward this reality.

Light the Path to Your Potential Action:

Give yourself 5 to 10 minutes of time to yourself where you can be undistracted and really give yourself the space to connect with this new you, the person who fully enjoys life.

Pull out a pen and paper and let yourself get quiet, get comfortable and relax.

Close your eyes and let yourself imagine what life would be like if you had all you wanted and lived a life you fully enjoyed. Let the scene play out in your mind. Let yourself really tap into the feeling space of that life. Notice the vibration you hold as you live this life. Let yourself be in this state for as long as you like.

And realize that you created this feeling out of thin air. You are fully capable of feeling this way now. Let yourself tap into this feeling as often as you like and become the person who feels like this as your normal state.

Are you tired of doing all you can and not being able to fully enjoy your life on a consistent basis?

Is there something within you saying "it's time", time for you to give yourself the support you need to really make the shift in your life that you're ready for...

To step out of disappointment and "trying" and to really move yourself forward to that next level and to the fulfillment and abundance that's waiting for you?

I'd love to help you get there, and I have a step by step process to help you do that. Give yourself the gift of starting on the journey from here to being that person who fully enjoys their life and is in a place where creating is so much easier. Book your free "Light Up Your Potential" Call with me to get clear about what is really going on and what the path to that fulfilling reality really looks like for you.