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Monday, September 28, 2009

The Comforting Truth About Your Intuition

By Fia Crandall, Intuitions

Do you know you have intuition, but are sometimes afraid to check in with it in certain situations in your life? This can mean that part of you fears your intuition. This is actually quite common and can really slow down the progress in your life in the important areas you are afraid to check in on.

Why does this happen? Why would you fear your intuition?

This happens often when the logical mind sees a blank, it can’t figure out how something can happen, it can’t see the way. And when it does not see a possible way things can work out, it tends to automatically put scary pictures where the blank darkness of the unknown is.

It tends to think that in order for things to get better, there must be a huge leap that must be made. And that big leap is scary. “What if I fall? What if things end up being worse than they are now? What if….?” And the list goes on of all the things to fear.

Now this is normal for most people but as a spiritually conscious person, if this is happening you are forgetting about an incredible tool that you have within you.

Your intuition.

I have found that your intuition is really more like a best friend or a very loving parent. It gives you guidance from the most loving source of all, from your Higher Self, from Source, from the Universe, whatever you want to call it, it is giving you guidance from a higher source that knows only love.

Let’s go back to those areas that you are afraid to deal with because you think that a big leap must be involved. And remember, your mind, because it couldn’t see the way, assumed that it MUST be a big leap. Beyond the darkness must lie a big cliff with possibly no bottom.

Now how encouraging is this? Forget it. You would rather just have things be the same, even if it’s nowhere near where you want it to be.

So back to this cliff, what if this time you do something different? Let’s say that rather than assume it’s a big scary cliff you stop and ask for guidance… What happens?

I just love what happens…

You turn on a light.

You can see.

The darkness disappears.

You get to see the truth of what you have been afraid to see.

And so just what do you see?

In my experience, most often, what I find is that you see your next step.

That’s right, no big scary cliff, no major life change that has your world being turned upside down. Just your next step.

Now I have had to take a few big leaps in my own journey, but really they were not that big, and actually at that particular point my next logical step was a leap.

I KNEW it was time to start my business even though I just built a brand new house and had just been laid off from my engineering job. Sounds like a leap but at the time I KNEW it was my next step. I knew it was time to leave my old part-time Engineering job behind even though it was a bit of a leap, but again, it was my next logical step. There were a few more like that but again, they were my next logical steps at the time.

But you know what? Most of the time, especially if you are experiencing fear more than trust on a regular basis, there is no cliff.

I said it before, the Universe is LOVING. It’s not going to make you jump off of scary cliffs into the darkness!

It wants to show you the way, it wants to light up your path. It wants you to feel safe and confident.

And it wants you to take a leap only when it is time to take a leap. And by that point your trust and inner knowing will likely be strong enough that there is courage in place of fear. This has been my experience over and over.

The truth is, for the most part, when you ask for guidance, you get your next smallest step. It’s easy, it’s even logical, and it is your next STEP, not leap.

So going back to this darkness image again… without intuition, you see darkness and your mind assumes big, scary cliff. So you don’t want to check in with your intuition or ask for guidance because a part of you thinks that you are going to be asked to jump and you don’t want to do that so you’d rather not ask.

It’s time to rethink this!

Open to a new way. I love ease and one of the most important keys to ease is intuition. Intuition is your link with the higher plan, the bigger picture that you can’t see from your limited perspective.

Intuition knows the shortcuts, it knows the way that is the most fun and enjoyable.

It can put light where there is darkness and it can help your fear dissolve in the light of truth.

And more often than not it shows you your next step. It gives you a sense of peace and clarity that could not ever come from your logical mind. Intuition is beyond logic and that’s a good thing. Intuition lives in the realm of possibility and “how life can be”.

The Universe knows what you want! And your intuition is your guidance system to help you move along your path, helping you to move forward with ease.

Because struggle is an energy that we can now leave behind for good. And I know that it is part of my purpose to help people out of this struggle, and here is a first step for you.

I challenge you right now, especially in those areas that scare you the most, ask for guidance. You can even visualize shining light on the area you want to find out more about. And ask to be shown how it CAN be, ask to be shown the higher perspective. Ask what you have been afraid to ask before.

And if you don’t want cliffs, don’t ask cliff questions!

Don’t ask “should I leave my current relationship/job/home?” Remember, most often your next step is not a leap so don’t assume it is!

Instead ask: “What do I need to know to improve this relationship/job/home?” or “What is this relationship/job calling me to learn right now?” or “What is my next step toward what I am really wanting in this area?”

Move away from scary cliff thinking. To do that, assume there is a next smaller step and ask about it. And if it comes a time when you must make a leap you will have developed your trust and inner knowing to the point that you would not even need to ask if it’s time to take a leap, you will know. And you will have courage and trust and a deep inner knowing that you need to make a leap. But for now, trust that there is a next, easy, logical step and ask.

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall