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Monday, October 22, 2007

Revealing Test: Do You Believe You Deserve Your Dream?

What comes to mind when I ask you the following

Do you really believe that you deserve to live your

Yes or no... This is your logical mind answering.

Now try this.

Let the dream you have for your life come to mind.
Take a moment to imagine the different aspects,
how you'd feel, how your life would be different...
How much more amazing would it be?

And now, imagine that suddenly your entire life
was transformed before your eyes and your dream
was your reality right now.

How do you feel? If you feel excited, let that feeling
pass until you get to the true base feeling.

What is it? Maybe you can't name it, but do you
feel comfort, or do you feel discomfort?

Be honest. If you really want to improve any situation
in your life, you will need to be honest about your true

Do you notice any physical sensations? Maybe around
your solar plexus? Or your heart?

This is giving you more of a real picture of how
deserving you truly believe you are.

If you feel comfort, that is a wonderful sign, you likely
feel you deserve to live your dream.

What is more common is the discomfort. And if you feel
discomfort, you may be uncomfortable with you living
such a wonderful dream.

Part of the reason for this is that we want to live in the
comfort zone and our dreams are ALWAYS outside of
the comfort zone.

But beyond that, when we are living such an amazing
dream as your life, most of us tend to start shifting
our focus inward. Subtle fears and feelings come up
around you deserving to live this dream.

And they are usually subtle, because in our mind we
want to be positive and believe that we deserve it.
We know the Law of Attraction so we think we should
put a happy face on and be positive.

But this is not real. And when you put this happy
face on and don't face your true, authentic feelings,
you don't allow yourself to see the real, unconscious
beliefs. If you deep down don't believe you deserve
to live your dream, better to find out and to do
something about it.

Because regardless of how happy and positive you
appear, your results will always show your true beliefs.
Maybe you're starting to realize you may not be as
deserving as your logical mind tells you.

So how can you begin to believe you deserve your

1. Become aware of why you do not feel deserving,
where did this belief originate?

2. Heal the undeserving belief (One way to do this
is through the processes I share in my "Releasing
Old Patterns" Audio Recording)

3. Bring in a new energy and consciousness that
you deserve your dream.

If you would like help with this, I've made it easy
for you. Wednesday night (Oct 24th), I will be holding
a special teleclass to address this important block
and to help you move through this sabotaging
"undeserving" belief, easily.

All you have to do is show up to the teleclass and go
through the exercises with me on the call. We will
go through steps 1 and 2 above and you will leave
with your own "new consciousness" sheet that will
help you integrate this new consciousness after
the call.

As a special bonus, I'm also going to be Channeling
a message you can print off and carry with you to
reinforce that you do deserve to live your dream.

Because you do.

If you'd like to truly feel and KNOW deep down that
you deserve to live your dream, and to stop sabotaging
your efforts with such a limiting belief, you may
want to attend Wednesday's Teleclass.

Click below to sign up now!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Is your current situation far from the dream?

Do you find yourself frustrated that your current
situation is far from your dream?

If so, I have something important to share with

I understand what this is like, I know how it feels
to want something so much, yet to feel stuck
in your current situation...

You are spending time and energy focusing on
creating your dream. You've spent time and energy
clearing through the fears, doubts, and uncertainty
along the way. You have grown so much...
And it's not here yet!

Yes, this can be frustrating, but it is all part of
the process.

The thing is, you don't want to keep thinking of
how it's not here yet...

This way of thinking is a trap you do not want to
let yourself get stuck in. And if you find yourself
stuck here, you will want to get out quickly!

Think about what happens when you are focusing
on how you are not living your dream yet, that it's
still out there in the future and you are still here
without it...

Your energy is saying: "My dream is out there and
I am not living it".

So you know what happens...

Your dream stays out there. You stay stuck living
without it.

So how do you get yourself out of this trap?


This is why I believe gratitude is so powerful.

When you are grateful for what you have already done
to create your dream, when you are grateful for all
of the learning you have experienced to help you create
your dream, when you are grateful for the simple, little
good things in your life... you feel good.

Maybe in your vision, you have lots of money. Be grateful
now for ALL of the money you have and receive now (GRATITUDE),
rather than feeling as though it is not as much as you want, (LACK)!

When you are grateful, you feel good and when you feel
good, what you want is on it's way to you. When you
feel bad, it's not.

When you focus on all of the good things in your life,
your vibration is one of ABUNDANCE.

When you vibrate ABUNDANCE, you attract into your
life ABUNDANCE in all ways!Take action!

I have found it helpful to write out what I am grateful
for every night. Even if it's just 5 things that don't
appear to be all that important. It's the FEELING of
gratitude that is the most important...

Or you can try another very helpful exercise...

Before you get out of bed, think about all of the things
in your life that you are grateful for, one after another.

When you start to feel really good, then you get out of bed.

What a wonderful, high-energy way to start your day!

To start off in gratitude of all the abundance you have
in your life now... Vibrating gratitude and abundance,
feeling great!

From this good-feeling state, you begin to feel much
closer to your dream because in your dream you feel
really good. And in your current reality, you feel really

Your current situation is already closer to your dream!

So even though your dream hasn't officially arrived yet,
be grateful for the good things in your life and for what
you have done to get closer to your dream. You'll be in
a much more powerful state, magnetic to your dream
rather than pushing it away with the feeling of lack!

Another way to feel good now is to live from your heart
instead of your mind. In my Heart's Wisdom Audio
Program, you can find out how to feel good more easily
by discovering and listening to the guidance within you.

Click here or read the next section for more information
on how this audio program can help you feel good now, and
live that much closer to your dream every day.

Copyright 2007 Fia Crandall

What does it truly take to succeed?

I've been asking myself this question recently, what does it truly
taketo succeed? I have grown immensely over the last 8 years or
so and can't believe how amazing my life has become. I am literally
living my dream... I get to do the work I'm most passionate about,
helping people create their most amazing life. I get to live my purpose
with passion for a living. Incredible.

I have started looking back and thinking, what were the most important
keys to this success?

Today I am sharing with you 3 key things I believe it took me to
truly succeed. And they are not so much spiritual as they are practical,
but I realized I found a huge reservoir of energy to create my dreams
in these 3 keys. If you find these helpful, feel free to email me and
share your thoughts!

1. Facing Your Current Reality

When I finally stopped denying to myself that I truly wasn't where
I wanted to be, when I actually allowed myself to see my reality as
it really was, without putting on the rose-coloured glasses, things
began to change.

I know you think you are supposed to always be positive for things
to work out. While this is true, for me, I know I've had a bit of a denial
habit of my own. When I faced allowed myself to truly face the results
I was getting and to be honest with myself, I found a real strength and
power to create my dream.

From that point forward, I knew I would do whatever it took to create
my dream of doing the work I love. This brings me to #2.

2. Be Willing To Do Whatever It Takes!

I have read somewhere that the number 1 characteristic all extremely
wealthy people share is persistence. They never give up, no matter

When I look back on my journey, I realize I could have given up
along the way when things didn't go as I had wanted. But I never
did that. For me, it's like I had no choice anyway. I knew what I wanted
and I had to have that life, nothing else would do. Being willing to do
whatever it takes, to keep going in spite of any obstacles is one of
the main reasons I am here writing to you now, rather than sitting in
a desk longing for more yet settling for less. (Actually, I'd be sleeping,
right now it's 1 am and I'm working because I am so inspired at night
and love to sleep in... I love it!).

When you are willing to do whatever it takes, the Universe can more
easily guide you to what you need to do. Whether that be through a
book, a realization you have when you hear a song, hiring a coach...
Being willing to do whatever it takes helps you succeed with far greater

3. Be Willing to Learn and Grow Out of Your Old Ways

If you knew what you needed to succeed right now, and your thinking
and energy was truly aligned with what you want, you would be living
your dream.

Right now, you are getting the results you are getting based on your
current knowledge and whatever old conditioning you are still stuck in.

When you are free from your old conditioning and patterns, you attract
a new reality, period. If you're still experiencing the same old reality,
you need to be willing to do the internal work in order to get the result
that you really want.

When you are free from your conditioning and limited ways of being,
when you move to a higher consciousness, your life will change.

I've seen it over and over in my client's lives and in my own. It really
does take growing out of your old ways and internal change to make
your dream reality.

That's actually the primary work I do with my Coaching Clients, it's
sometimes hard to see these old limits for yourself. But it is my true
passion and gift to be able to help people identify and shift out of the
old ways, so they are free to live the life they so long to live. And it's
so much easier with outside help!

So there you have it. 3 of the most practical keys I can give you, that I
know helped me immensely to be able to be firmly planted on the journey
to my dream. And now I'm here and creating new dreams from my fresh
new perspective.

I congratulate you for focusing on your important dreams. Not everyone
has the courage to do this and from my experience, your life will become
more and more amazing, simply by going for what's in your heart.

By the way, if you are tired of trying one thing after the other and being
frustrated to find yourself no further ahead, maybe it is time you give
yourself the gift of having a totally supportive, high-consciousness,
transformation expert by your side.

The truth is, this journey to your dreams can be so much easier!

I have seen that within a single conversation, old ways of thinking and
old patterns that have held you back for lifetimes can be leftbehind.
Allowing you to feel better than ever and so much closer to living your
dream. Imagine how much you could accomplish byhaving regular
support of a coach...

Click on the link below to request a free initial Coaching Consultation
to see if our working together through coaching can help you overcome
your unique challenges and turn your dream into reality as joyfully and
easily as possible.