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Monday, October 22, 2007

Revealing Test: Do You Believe You Deserve Your Dream?

What comes to mind when I ask you the following

Do you really believe that you deserve to live your

Yes or no... This is your logical mind answering.

Now try this.

Let the dream you have for your life come to mind.
Take a moment to imagine the different aspects,
how you'd feel, how your life would be different...
How much more amazing would it be?

And now, imagine that suddenly your entire life
was transformed before your eyes and your dream
was your reality right now.

How do you feel? If you feel excited, let that feeling
pass until you get to the true base feeling.

What is it? Maybe you can't name it, but do you
feel comfort, or do you feel discomfort?

Be honest. If you really want to improve any situation
in your life, you will need to be honest about your true

Do you notice any physical sensations? Maybe around
your solar plexus? Or your heart?

This is giving you more of a real picture of how
deserving you truly believe you are.

If you feel comfort, that is a wonderful sign, you likely
feel you deserve to live your dream.

What is more common is the discomfort. And if you feel
discomfort, you may be uncomfortable with you living
such a wonderful dream.

Part of the reason for this is that we want to live in the
comfort zone and our dreams are ALWAYS outside of
the comfort zone.

But beyond that, when we are living such an amazing
dream as your life, most of us tend to start shifting
our focus inward. Subtle fears and feelings come up
around you deserving to live this dream.

And they are usually subtle, because in our mind we
want to be positive and believe that we deserve it.
We know the Law of Attraction so we think we should
put a happy face on and be positive.

But this is not real. And when you put this happy
face on and don't face your true, authentic feelings,
you don't allow yourself to see the real, unconscious
beliefs. If you deep down don't believe you deserve
to live your dream, better to find out and to do
something about it.

Because regardless of how happy and positive you
appear, your results will always show your true beliefs.
Maybe you're starting to realize you may not be as
deserving as your logical mind tells you.

So how can you begin to believe you deserve your

1. Become aware of why you do not feel deserving,
where did this belief originate?

2. Heal the undeserving belief (One way to do this
is through the processes I share in my "Releasing
Old Patterns" Audio Recording)

3. Bring in a new energy and consciousness that
you deserve your dream.

If you would like help with this, I've made it easy
for you. Wednesday night (Oct 24th), I will be holding
a special teleclass to address this important block
and to help you move through this sabotaging
"undeserving" belief, easily.

All you have to do is show up to the teleclass and go
through the exercises with me on the call. We will
go through steps 1 and 2 above and you will leave
with your own "new consciousness" sheet that will
help you integrate this new consciousness after
the call.

As a special bonus, I'm also going to be Channeling
a message you can print off and carry with you to
reinforce that you do deserve to live your dream.

Because you do.

If you'd like to truly feel and KNOW deep down that
you deserve to live your dream, and to stop sabotaging
your efforts with such a limiting belief, you may
want to attend Wednesday's Teleclass.

Click below to sign up now!