Knowing what your intuition is telling you is a
valuable tool on the path of spiritual growth. In
recognizing and following your intuition, you can
be guided from your Spirit, your Higher Self
rather than just your mind.
Your Higher Self sees the big picture of your life
and can help you take the shortcuts and choose
the best path for you which is a wonderful gift!
But it does take recognizing your intuition in order
to be able to use it! Here are 5 tips on recognizing
your intuition:
1. On this Path, Fear is Not Always Intuition
On the path of manifesting your dream, when you
are experiencing fear, it typically means that in that
you can not see clearly. You are seeing through filters
of the past that want to keep you safe, protected from
any pain you had experienced in the past.
Fear is most often an illusion that holds you back, rather
than an intuitive message telling you not to do something.
In my experience, fear is only showing you that you
have reached the boundaries of your comfort zone.
This is something to be celebrated as your dreams are
always beyond your comfort zone!
Fear does not always have to be walked through, especially
if it is a deep or intense fear. It is most often better to
heal it at it's source. And in releasing the fear, you can
more easily hear your true inner guidance.
2. Your Intuition is Positive and Encouraging
Your intuition is a positive, encouraging voice and would
never motivate you out of fear. I guess in some cases a
sinking negative feeling could be your intuition telling you
something is wrong or that you need to take physical
precaution for your own safety, but that's not what we're
talking about here.
We're talking about wanting to create a life that reflects
who you really are, that is a joyful experience for you to
live and allows you to express who you really are and live
And on this path, your intuition will speak in a quiet,
positive, encouraging voice or nudge. It speaks softly,
so you may have to listen closely to hear it!
3. Your Intuition Resonates Deep Within You
When you get an intuitive insight or message, you will
feel it resonate within you. You are in intuitive person,
which means you have the added gift of KNOWING
what feels right, rather than needing it to be proved to
you through logic.
If you see a book and suddenly feel an energy or a
resonance within you, know that this is you feeling your
When this happens, see if you can find out what your
intuition is guiding you to do. Perhaps it's to open the
book and get a message, perhaps it's to buy the book as
it has exactly what you need in it for your next step.
4. Your Intuition Is Easier to Recognize the More
You Use It!
Everyone is different and their intuition speaks to them
in different ways. So the best way to find out how your
intuition works for you is to use it! Test it out on smaller
things like "Where should we go for dinner?" or "Which
shirt will make me feel more energized today?"
By using your intuition, you will begin to see the results
of following your intuition and that is how it will strengthen.
When you see where you are led when you follow your
intuition and find it is to good results, you will begin to
trust yourself and your intuition much more. This will
allow it to develop even more!
5. Intuition is Not Always Black and White
Your intuition operates beyond the logical mind that
always thinks in terms of either/or, yes/no. Your
intuition recognizes the gray area. It knows that there
are infinite choices and paths for you and that there is
really no such thing as a wrong choice.
Your intuition is messages from your soul, which may
see "both" instead of "A or B". In this case, asking A or
B is irrelevant. So rather than thinking of your intuition
as something that will give you a concrete "Yes" or "No",
see it as more of a playful thing that can guide you in a
more elusive way.
Release the need for the concrete and give yourself
permission to be more playful with it!
Copyright 2007 Fia Crandall