Receive FREE E-Course: "3 Keys to Manifesting Your Important Desires"

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Be Open to Receive What You Create!

So you have something you have been working on
creating for some time now. Maybe it's your dream
career, maybe it's a car, or maybe it's a deeply
fulfilling love relationship...

Whatever it is, if you really want to receive
something new into your life, you will need to be
open to receive it.

In this world of ours, there is so much focus on
action, pushing and making things happen. Even
those of us who use the Law of Attraction on a
regular basis can fall into this trap.

What you will want to know that this is NOT the
vibration of receiving.

The vibration of receiving is much softer, it is not
a pushing our way kind of energy. It is much more
like an allowing energy.

Think of it like this. Imagine your dream was at the
top of a mountain. Yes, there is definitely a journey
to the top of the mountain, but at some point the
journey ends and you reach your dream.

The energy you have as you pursue your dream can
tend to be stuck in that action mode, but when you
receive your dream, you have to relax and take it in.

You don't want to be so tired from your action journey
that you are exhausted when you reach your dream!

And you don't want to be stuck in the action mode,
reach your dream and say "okay, I'm here, better get
going to the next one..."

And more than that, you don't want to get so stuck
in the action mode that the Universe sends you the
long way to the top, the way filled with difficulty,
stress and frustration.

Learning to receive is a lot like allowing yourself to
enjoy your life. It's not all about the actions you take.
If you really want to align your energy with what you
want, to be open to receive it, you will want to stop
along the way and feel the wonderful energy of your

You want to be connected to the feeling of your
dream when it will be your life. You will want to
relax into that feeling. You want to enjoy that feeling
now, so you match what you want and it can come
into your life easily.

When you are open to receive, your energy matches
what you want so much that it feels logical that
what you want be your reality. Rather than be
something "out there" that you’ll get to one day, you
want to feel as though it is your reality.

Sounds simple, but it is a huge shift in energy. As a
spiritually conscious person, who is likely intuitive,
the way of action alone no longer gives us the results
we want.

Rest in that softer energy of receiving and enjoying
your dream. I will bet it will make your dream come
so much faster than if you take the action only route.
And it will be so much more enjoyable because you
have been living it all along.

Take a few moments along your journey to relax
into the wonderful feeling you will have when your
dream is here. This will help you be open to receive
your dream much more quickly and joyfully than if
you were to only focus on action.

Want to learn more about how to be open to receive
what you're creating?

Attend my "Open to Receive What You're Manifesting"
Teleclass this Wednesday December 19th at 7 pm (MST)
(9 pm EST)!

It's free as my Christmas gift to you and anyone else
you may like to invite!
Registration is quick and easy, all you have to do is
click below: