Copyright 2008 Fia Crandall
I'm sure you've been there, maybe you're there right now. Wanting your life to be better, your love to be better, your career to be better, your life to feel better. Yet not ever fully being able to move from here to "better".
Maybe you start moving forward in the direction of better. Maybe you've started using some manifesting tools that you've learned about. You feel good, you know you're moving forward and you're excited about how things will be.
So why is it you can't stay in that forward momentum?
Why is it there always seems to be something that comes up and knock you down and bring you back to the normal you are used to?
Why does it seem so hard to create the positive shifts you are looking for?
It's only hard when you don't realize that there is a process to it. When you think that the challenges are coming up to show you that it's not possible for you to have what you want. When you don't realize that you need to shift internally to become the person you will be when you're living what you want as your reality.
And it's hard when you don't understand what it takes to shift internally to become that person who lives that "better" life as thier reality.
I'll share with you one thing I have come to learn helps this become easier. That has allowed me to stop searching for that "better" life and to instead start living it.
The journey toward that "better" life is really an inward journey from who you are now, who you have been unconsciously, to who you you know you can be.
Yes you take action as well. All the external things will show up, all the actions you need to take, you will take, from that new energy you.
The real journey is internal. And you will be faced with external challenges on this journey. Those external challenges are there on purpose. You are being guided to that "better" place, to being that "better" you. And the challenges that come up are uniquely designed to help you do that.
And when you see the challenges as not something to overcome, but something to help you create that "better" life, to become that "better you", you begin to see how truly supported you are in creating that life.
The Universe wants you to live that life, it is here to fully support you in making it happen. But if you get frustrated and give up because there's a challenge you're telling the Universe you're giving up.
So next time you find a challenge coming up as you move toward this "better" place, ask yourself:
1. What is this situation showing me about how I am now, perhaps that has been unconscious before and doesn't match that "better" life I want to live?
2. In what way could I shift my thinking, energy or way of being to match that "better" person I'll be when I'm living that "better" life?
3. How is this challenge allowing me to become the person who lives that "better" life as her reality?
Don't just respond from your mind. Get quiet. There is an infinite wisdom that is available to all of us, but it comes in stillness, through the mind, but not from the mind. Open to what can be. Be willing to release attachment to struggle. Allow ease. Allow yourself to shift with ease.
Of course, there are times when the challenges are bigger or heavier and you need more powerful tools. And even if you don't have those tools, use this process. Just asking the questions gets the Universe supporting you to find your answers and having you open to overcoming the challenges rather than resisting them.
Moving through these challenges and being willing to grow into the person you need to be to live that "better" life is what I have found is necessary to move to that "better" life. Embrace the journey and what you need can come to you much more easily and moving into that "better" life becomes a reality rather than a dream.