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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What is Your "New Normal"?

Copyright 2008 Fia Crandall

Did you know that one of the biggest challenges to creating new things in your life is that you must literally create a new "normal" for yourself?

This has been my experience, particularly in creating the work I love as my full-time career. The old normal that I lived in was fairly low-energy. Looking back
I see that the primary feeling I had day to day was sort of a dullness, a longing for something more and at the same time feeling stuck and the lack of it.

One of the most important lessons I learned in transitioning from Mechanical Engineering to my Intuitive Coaching and Healing business was that it wasn't just about "receiving" this dream of mine. More than anything it was about becoming the person who lived that dream as her every day reality.

So imagine my surprise when I left my old career and was now available to my new career full time, and I realized that I had to become the person who truly enjoyed my work. The work I loved could only bring me the fulfillment that I deeply desired if I became the person who could fully live it and enjoy it day to day.

My "normal" had to change.

So there is much more to changing your reality than just changing the external situations. The Law of Attraction is always in operation. So if you change the external situation, you will continue to experience the same reality until you change your vibration, until you feel as good as that wonderful new reality you

So take a moment now to check in and to really be honest with yourself. Notice how you feel right now. Take a look over the last week and notice how you felt. What was your overall energy? What primary energy or feel do you experience as your normal?

Give yourself a minute to do this, close your eyes and really connect to the general feeling that lies at the foundation of your days. Acknowledging your current reality is a HUGE step in being able to go forward. It is far more powerful than denial. Write down a few notes on this to help make it concrete and ground your awareness.

And now take a look at what you are really wanting to create in your life. Really let yourself start to feel the energy in this new experience, this new life. How
would you feel if that was your reality? What would your new normal look like? Write down what this is like.

And give yourself a moment to see how different the energy is in these two different realities. How does your new normal compare to your current normal?

And now open your mind. Close your eyes and let yourself relax. Have the intention that you are looking to see how you might begin to shift your current normal in the direction of this new life that is possible for you.

One way to do this is to focus on feeling the new energy as often as you can. This is not just about focusing on what you want, this is about bringing in a new energy that can help raise you to the desires you have for your life. A much more powerful way to manifest as your energy is in alignment with the reality that you want.

Take Action!

What can you do today that will help you to feel the new energy of your desire? Even if it's something small, sitting out in the sun, giving yourself time to
relax and enjoy a good book, calling up that fun friend of yours you don't spend enough time with. Whatever matches the new energy of your desire.

How do you feel, how do you act in this new life? In what way can you adjust yourself and way of being to be more in line with this new you?

Take action today to move forward into this new life, to creating a new normal for yourself that will allow your desires to come much more easily to you.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Open to the Incredible Potential For Your Life!

Copyright 2008 Fia Crandall

We live in a Universe of constant expansion. We will never get it done, we will never reach some final destination. Our mind tends to think that there is some final destination, where you will finally be able to "relax" and then enjoy your life.

I have found this not to work for myself. In leaving behindmy old career and doing this work I love full-time I reallygot that. My mind told me "once I'm doing what I love, then I'll be happy". Yet the reality showed me otherwise.

We are the only ones who can change our reality. And inmy experience you never do it "out there". It is definitelyan inside job. And what a blessing that is, there is no needto push and chase something that is outside of you!

Anything that might happen in your future, any new realtionships that might unfold, new career paths that couldopen up, exciting new experiences that you may have...all of this exists within YOU right now as potential.

We are so conditioned to focus outside of us to find whatwe want. I'm sure you have some understanding that youcreate your life. And that truly powerful creation does not occur just by doing alone. Many people who are just takingaction to finally reach some wonderful destination, may never get there.

Why is that?

Let's go to the basics of the Law of Attraction. You attractinto your life what matches your thoughts, beliefs and energy.

So if you are in a mode of constant doing, you are so focusedon working towards that one day where life will be good, what is your energy like?

Your energy says "I am in a mode of doing this and that in order to get there where I will finally be happy".

So your energy says you are not there yet, you have to work to get there.

So from this energy space, by the law of attraction, you will always attract into your life more things to do to help you get there. You will continue to do, do, do and your final destination will always be outside of yourself.

What does this have to do with the potential that's ready to unfold in your life?

The potential is within you. The potential must be present within you in order for it to manifest as the situations, relationships and wonderful experiences in your life.

You have to live your potential in order to attract it.

And just what is this potential?

Think of it as a new "normal", one that is rich with energyand positive qualities. One where you are more of the real you. Perhaps one where you feel freedom, ease,
joy, richness on a daily basis.

That is the potential for your life, we all have a unique potential we can access based on where we are at at this particular moment.

Open your mind now to what that might be. How wouldyou feel when you have actually manifested what you want? How would you be? What would life feel like?

The energy of that potential is available for you right now.It can be tapped into and can transform the situations,relationships and every day reality you have into a high-energy experience.

Who says "normal" can't feel great?

Start accessing that potential right now. What is one of the qualities or feelings you had as you looked at being at your destination.

Maybe it's aliveness. Live it now. Bring in that energy, breathe it in, let it become you, how you feel and who you are. And from that wonderful space, what does your life look like? What can you do right now to live that feeling, that quality in this moment?

Go for a walk? Call up a friend? Meditate?

Take action from this space and you will begin to live your potential. And when you live your potential your energy is higher and you will begin to attract other wonderful experiences to match it.

A different way to approach your desired destination, a way where you match the energy of your desired outcome and therefore it must manifest. The more you live this,the more your "normal" shifts and you begin to attract all the wonderful things to match it.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Shift Out of Disconnection and into Connection and Presence

Copyright 2008 Fia Crandall

How much of your day is spent in "go, go, go" mode? Where your mind is in charge and has completely let behind your emotions and body… Where you feel a sort of tiredness all over. Where everything seems to be without life and joy.

How often do you spend in this disconnected state?

In my experience, it is this state that holds us back from the wonderful joy that lies all around us, waiting to be discovered. It is the state that leads to struggle.

It is our mind or ego fully in charge, not considering or caring about our deepest desires, only concerned with performing, with getting it done, with "doing it right" Sound familiar?

This disconnection is SO common in our society. I know it’s the mode I was in throughout my University, pushing my way through a career I chose, having to "do my best" above all else. Letting the most important priorities, my happiness, health, relationship success, need for fun and adventure fall to the side.

I have found that this disconnected state, although "normal", is driven by a couple key things:

1. Attachment to the outcome

We are so focused on what end result we are trying to achieve that we forget the JOURNEY IS OUR LIFE!

The results are not our life, the journey is our life. We feel the outcome is so important that all else is secondary. How we feel, our bodies, our happiness, our relationships, our fun seems to get so easily forgotten.

Take the household errands for example. You need to get groceries, take the kids to here and there, drop this off here, on and on. Isn’t it normal to think "I’ll feel better when I get it all done". You see the outcome as the place you must get to. And when you get there you’ll be happy.

But does this ever happen? Do you ever get it all done?

So where does that leave you? In a constant state of "getting things done" that never leads to the future outcome that you want of being happy.

Funny how attachment to the outcome is actually pushing away the outcome we want.

2. The need to be in control

When we feel like the only way to get a desired outcome is to take action our ego takes over and goes full speed ahead. "I have to do this", "If I don’t do this, that will happen", "If I don’t do it, who will?"

This is ego once again, and this creates a disconnect from Spirit, the energy that can actually feed us and allow us to take action with inspiration and energy. We end up taking empty, energy-draining actions that deplete rather than feed us.

Law of attraction says that from this state, we can only attract more of the same… more empty feeling emotions, more draining actions to take, more disconnection, and even more things we need to control.
I don’t know about you but this all seems too tiring to keep up! What about what you really want? What about feeling good? What about your deepest desire to _______?

Can you really make it happen from this disconnected state?

Now lets paint a better-feeling picture…

What if your life was filled with actions that felt good deep down to take. What if your life was actually a joy to live, throughout all the activities of your day? What if from this good feeling space, the things you really wanted came more easily and naturally?

I’d like to help you move in this direction if you are feeling ready…

Light the Path to Your Potential Call to Action:

Get out a piece of paper and pen. Read the following questions and allow the answers to come to you, then write them down:

1. In what area of my life am I in "go, go, go" mode? How does it feel to be in this energy?

2. How does this feeling of disconnection impact my life?

3. What else is me being in this energy state causing in my life?

4. Is this really serving me?

5. What would connection look and feel like? What would it be like if I was fully connected to my true self and living from that higher energy?

There is such a wisdom within that we have access to! Take action on this, how can you BE connected now?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Use Contrast to Take You to Your Desires

Copyright 2008 Fia Crandall

Contrast is a part of life as we are on a path of continual growth and expansion. The Universe is in a state of constant expansion and that is how it is supposed to be.

Look at your own life for a moment and see the contrast of where you are now to where you were 5 years ago. Even where you were 6 months ago. Notice any contrast from now to then?

The truth is, as you grow and expand, you are taking your life to a new level in the way you feel and the reality you experience. Would you ever turn back the clock to live back where you used to be? I doubt it. You are on a path of growth and of taking your life to wonderful new places it has never been before. Whether that’s internal in the way you feel or external shown in the experiences in your life.

So contrast is a part of life, but more than that, it can be used as a powerful tool to take you higher, to move you forward into the life you are creating for yourself.

I’m sure you have some intentions for your life. Think of one of them now, maybe you want to have your ideal body. We’ll use that as an example, lets say you don’t take very good care of your body and you would like to lose some weight and feel better about your body.

Your intention is strong, you are visualizing your body as you want it to be, imagining how it would feel to have that body. How you would be so confident, feel great physically, work out often, eat healthy foods. How great that would feel you imagine.

You are motivated for a bit, go for a walk, work out, start to eat healthier, then what tends to happen?

Suddenly one day you don’t feel like going for a walk. You start craving things you know your body doesn’t really want. You start to feel down and discouraged.

This is normal!

You are moving from the old you (your current body, or other situation you’re focusing on) to the new you. What’s the difference? Contrast.

The new you is fit, energetic, alive, treats her body like a temple with exercise and the best of foods. Feel the energy of that person. Isn’t it incredible!

And imagine the contrast from that person to who you are now. If you think of contrast in terms of light, you are moving from a darker light to a brighter, more vibrant light.

There is such a high energy to where you are going, to what you are manifesting and at the moment you are not there yet. You will attract situations such as the lack of motivation, feeling down and discouraged, etc. (we’ll call this "contrast" from now on) because you’re not there yet! There's still lower, darker energy within you that needs to be upgraded for you to live that new life and have that new body!

So there is a hidden blessing here.

The contrast is coming up to help show you where you are off and what needs to be moved into alignment in order to be that new you. The contrast is where the Universe is guiding you to a low energy way of being that needs to shift so you can discover how to be that new you.

Next time contrast comes up, which tends to show up as those situations that seem like the opposite of what you’re trying to manifest, next time I want you to try something new…

Exercise: Use contrast to open to a new way that matches your desires

Next time you are faced with a situation that feels so far from what you want in your life, stop and ask yourself:

"In what way is the Universe trying to show me the mis-alignment between my current way of being and the new, high-energy way of being I'm wanting to move into?"

Recognize that you are experiencing and old energy way of being that needs to be upgraded. This old way is so natural to you, it’s automatic. But you take yourself off automatic when you stop and question it.

Express your intent to go higher: "I now see my automatic, old energy way of being that has attracted this experience that’s showing me the contrast, and I am now willing to let go of that way of being so I may align more fully with who I really am and what I really want in my life"

And then, open your mind to receive guidance, energy or information: "I am open to a new way of being that is aligned with where I’m going, with who I’m becoming". Open to receive it and take action on what you receive. Affirm through your action that you are ready to live this new way.

You are on your way, and the contrast is to help you get there. Next time you feel it or see it in front of you, stop and open to a new way of being that’s ready to unfold. It is your willingness to open to and adopt a new way of being that will help accelerate you from where you are now, to where you wanting to be.