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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What is Your "New Normal"?

Copyright 2008 Fia Crandall

Did you know that one of the biggest challenges to creating new things in your life is that you must literally create a new "normal" for yourself?

This has been my experience, particularly in creating the work I love as my full-time career. The old normal that I lived in was fairly low-energy. Looking back
I see that the primary feeling I had day to day was sort of a dullness, a longing for something more and at the same time feeling stuck and the lack of it.

One of the most important lessons I learned in transitioning from Mechanical Engineering to my Intuitive Coaching and Healing business was that it wasn't just about "receiving" this dream of mine. More than anything it was about becoming the person who lived that dream as her every day reality.

So imagine my surprise when I left my old career and was now available to my new career full time, and I realized that I had to become the person who truly enjoyed my work. The work I loved could only bring me the fulfillment that I deeply desired if I became the person who could fully live it and enjoy it day to day.

My "normal" had to change.

So there is much more to changing your reality than just changing the external situations. The Law of Attraction is always in operation. So if you change the external situation, you will continue to experience the same reality until you change your vibration, until you feel as good as that wonderful new reality you

So take a moment now to check in and to really be honest with yourself. Notice how you feel right now. Take a look over the last week and notice how you felt. What was your overall energy? What primary energy or feel do you experience as your normal?

Give yourself a minute to do this, close your eyes and really connect to the general feeling that lies at the foundation of your days. Acknowledging your current reality is a HUGE step in being able to go forward. It is far more powerful than denial. Write down a few notes on this to help make it concrete and ground your awareness.

And now take a look at what you are really wanting to create in your life. Really let yourself start to feel the energy in this new experience, this new life. How
would you feel if that was your reality? What would your new normal look like? Write down what this is like.

And give yourself a moment to see how different the energy is in these two different realities. How does your new normal compare to your current normal?

And now open your mind. Close your eyes and let yourself relax. Have the intention that you are looking to see how you might begin to shift your current normal in the direction of this new life that is possible for you.

One way to do this is to focus on feeling the new energy as often as you can. This is not just about focusing on what you want, this is about bringing in a new energy that can help raise you to the desires you have for your life. A much more powerful way to manifest as your energy is in alignment with the reality that you want.

Take Action!

What can you do today that will help you to feel the new energy of your desire? Even if it's something small, sitting out in the sun, giving yourself time to
relax and enjoy a good book, calling up that fun friend of yours you don't spend enough time with. Whatever matches the new energy of your desire.

How do you feel, how do you act in this new life? In what way can you adjust yourself and way of being to be more in line with this new you?

Take action today to move forward into this new life, to creating a new normal for yourself that will allow your desires to come much more easily to you.