By Fia Crandall, Intuitions
Do you find yourself feeling dull and lifeless at times? Like the outer experience of your life is missing some depth, joy or richness?
Or maybe you are wanting something outside yourself to make you happy. Is that what your desires are, a way to give you the wonderful feelings within you feel you are missing?
All of these things I have been realizing point to an underlying cause. Living life too much on the surface, too much from the ego. Whenever we lack the positive emotions we want to feel, whenever we are looking outside ourselves for things or other people to make us happy, we are likely operating too much from the ego.
Over the past week I have been getting message after message on this. I love how that happens. And because I know you may be in a similar place I want to share with you what I have realized to shift this, and also share a special audio I channeled for you. When you realize you have been floating on the surface of life, operating from the ego there are a few important things to remember.
* YOU are the source of all the good in your life.
Ego thinks that all of the good we want is outside of us, something we must strive for, which is actually an empty process that never ends. We attract based on our vibration, our energy. All of the potential for your life in how you can feel or what you can attract lies within you. Your spirit is within you. This is your source.
Remember this when your ego takes over telling you outer things are what you need to make you happy. Remember that you can attract all of the outer things you want when you are connected to your true source, your spirit.
* Your spirit, your Divinity is your source, a well that is ever-present within you, awaiting you to access it.
Have you ever meditated? Do you remember the feeling of it? For me it is this beautiful, wonderful energy that moves within me. When I connect with it I remember that all is well, this joy and life starts to become who I am. Or, I remember that this is who I really am.
When your ego takes over, remember it only takes a moment to reconnect with your source and your ego shrinks as you remember who you really are. And it is this source that can fill you with all of the love, peace, trust and energy that you could ever desire. It never comes from ouside of us even when it appears that way. We really are the source.
* We are all pieces of Divinity, parts of the whole, of all that is Ego sees us as separate. It is this separateness that leads to us feeling as though all good is outside of us. It is this separateness that causes fear and lack. When we connect with our spirit, we KNOW that we are all connected and that there is nothing to fear. We remember our infinite nature, that there is only abundance when we are connected to and coming from our Divinity.
And from this connection to our spirit, we have infinite power to create all we desire.
Your Light the Path to Your Potential Call to Action:
I was so inspired by the feeling of connecting to my own spirit that I channeled this quick guided meditation for you. Give yourself 10 minutes for you to connect to your spirit and open to the wonderful gifts this connection can bring to you. Give yourself this special time to connect with your source, with who you really are. So you can go deeper in your daily life, so you aren't being thrown around on top of the waves of life seeking that which actually lies below the surface.
So you can come from the depths of your being. That infinite source of love and all that is good. Remember that you are not the turbulent wave, you have a depth that runs deep down to the ocean floor. You have a solid foundation and stillness that you can connect with at any time. And with that knowing the waves calm and you remember that all is well. And from this knowing life becomes brighter and richer.
Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall