Are you overwhelmed by too much information, too many ideas to try, too many ways to get there?
Do you feel guided and supported in moving forward, confident in your ability to create what you want or do you still feel as unsure as you have in the past?
There is so much information and support out there. And that is great, but it can also leave you with way too much information so you don't even use any of it, or it can distract you from the specific information that is exactly what YOU need on YOUR path.
I see so many people who are trying to learn from so many sources and yet they are still not moving forward with all of this "helpful" information.
And isn't it moving forward that you"re really wanting anyway?
I understand what it's like to love to learn and be passionate about the process, but I don't want this to stop you from creating the true and profound shifts that are available specifically to you right now.
I believe each of us are on a unique path. You are on a unique journey and there is purpose behind this journey of yours. On this unique journey of yours there are certain things you can learn, certain truths to embrace that will really propel YOU forward on your unique path, to where the highest parts of yourself want you to go.
The biggest mistake I see people make (I used to do this myself in the past) is that they give away their power to experts. They trust the expert OVER their own inner knowing.
I hate seeing this!
What do I mean by giving away your power?
Is there something that you're doing because you think that you're "supposed to", even though it doesn't really feel good to you? Do you attempt to use things to improve your life because someone says it works, yet you don't feel connected to it?
This is what I mean by giving away your power, trusting an expert's truth over your own. And if you are doing this, I want you to take back your precious energy and power by honouring the truth of your being.
It is a huge secret in being able to create real results for yourself.
I am a huge believer in having a coach, if I didn't have a coach in the area I was focusing on most (my business) the last few years my business would never be where it is today. And while it's great to have a coach, and I highly recommend giving yourself this kind of support, I have learned that if you don't fully resonate with your coach, she'll never be able to help you get the results you want.
I used to think I needed to learn from logical, left-brained, business people because I was more on the other end. This was the furthest thing from the truth! If anything, this slowed me down.
Those who are most similar to you, who get you, who's truth resonates with you, who have been where you are and got out of it, can help you accelerate the results that you get more than anyone else. Because they are aligned with your truth, because you are on a similar path and they have met and overcome the challenges you have in a way that honors you.
In Step 1 of the Light Your Path Process, we establish the foundation that allows you to shift your reality from within. And a key part of this step involves knowing and honouring your truth.
I have come to believe that there is not one truth. There are many different truths, depending on who you are and the path that youre on. I believe that each of us has our own truth, that works for us, that supports us on our specific unique path with our specific unique purpose.
And do you want to know the real key to truth?
You are the only one who knows YOUR truth.
It's true. You are the only one who knows your truth.
I trust my Light Your Path Private Mentor Clients truth over my idea of what their truth might be, always. I trust them to know what feels right and true for them, because I am not them, only they can know their truth. I trust that they are each guided from within. Of course I help them uncover their truth, and that is important but I cannot know their truth, and in the same way, only you can know yours.
So how do you know your truth?
You know your truth because when you hear it (or read it), it resonates within you.
It FEELS true for you, even if you have no explanation why.
Even if you're hearing it for the first time. Your truth feels right, without any further explanation. Something about it rings true for you and you know that from within.
You know how some things can make the most sense to you. Say you hear of a technique for manifesting for example. They say it works and in your mind you can see how, but for some reason, it doesn't feel right when you use it. There's no life to it, you are not sparked from within as you use it, it's empty because it only makes sense in your mind, it's not your truth.
If this is happening for you, this tells me that this particular technique is not for you. And you'll never get the results you want by trying to live by someone else's truth that does not resonate with yours.
So what happens when you honor your truth?
If you are willing to let go of what is not true for you, you free up your energy. You give space around you for what you actually need to come in. You are much less scattered and you have a stronger sense of direction.
Knowing your truth prevents wasted effort and struggle.
As I still am an Engineer at heart, I am all about efficiency. I love doing things with least effort and maximum effect. I really do believe life doesn't have to be hard (and because of that, things ARE so much easier!).
That's what knowing your truth allows you to do. It allows you to accelerate your results. It allows you to live in a much higher energy because you are being more authentic. By following what is true for you, what really resonates for you, you truly can accelerate your growth and the shifts in your life that you are looking for.
Honoring your truth is like listening to your intuition. And intuition ALWAYS leads you on the most joyful, ease-ful, most efficient path.
And the other benefit I see my Light Your Path Coaching Clients experience from knowing their truth is that they have such a strong sense of self and what is right for them. They trust their truth because they have seen it lead to so many breakthroughs for themselves. It gives them a clear connection to their Higher Selfs guidance and allows them to KNOW beyond a doubt what is right for them, even if it wouldn't appear that way to anyone else. They make decisions from within and their trust in life always taking them to a better and better place is so strong.
Your Light Your Path *Shifting Higher* Action Step:
Get quiet for a moment and allow yourself to look within. Ask yourself:
1. Is there something I am doing in my life that is not honouring my truth?
2. Am I trying to do something because my mind says "I should" but in the depths of my being it doesn't feel quite right?
3. Is it time to let go of someone else's way an find a way that really resonates with me?
And as you go about your days over this next week, just start noticing your truth. What rings true for you? What doesn't seem to match who you are? What are you doing because you think you "should"? And, what if I was to let go of other people's truths that are not my own and really embrace what is true for me?
Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall