Thought this was a neat one to share, my story is
about a minor thing but I realized it shows the
powerful organizing force of the Universe...
I've been a bit out of shape lately (haven't exercised
in forever!) but decided I want to focus on manifesting
my body as I want it. I found a picture in a magazine
I thought was perfect to help me manifest this (my only
use for magazines!)... it was basically the legs I want to
have. Maybe it sounds a little crazy but whatever, I know
it works. Every time I saw that picture I imagined that
those were my legs!
Meanwhile another thing I was focusing on manifesting
was having my dogs be well behaved, especially when
guests are over.
Not much was happening in either of these areas, and
then, my neighbor was mentioning the Dog Whisperer
(Cesar Millan) and I decided I needed to buy his book.
It's amazing, check it out if you want to transform how
your dogs behave in drastic, amazing ways, and even
improve your relationship with them!
Anyway, I read a couple of chapters before I went to
Kamloops a couple weeks ago and gave my Mom, who
was looking after them, the basics. They were so well
behaved when I was gone, how wonderful! Part of
my creation is manifesting, and so easily!
So I get home and see the book and follow my intuition
to read it and can't put it down until I'm done. A lot of
his focus is on giving your dogs lots of exercise daily,
mostly by walking them... I was so excited after reading
his book that I wanted to try it out.
I had so much fun and my dogs were unbelievably well
behaved. They used to pull me, walking them used to be
a nightmare...
A couple times, I walked with all 3 of my dogs, all of them
by my side! 2 dobermans and a golden retreiver, the ones
that used to drag me down the block, all walking with me
so calmly and peacefully...amazing!
Anyway, I have gotten so much exercise in the past week
and I love what it is doing for my dogs behavior. I don't
even think about the exercise, it's actually fun!
Compare that to how hard it is to try and motivate
yourself! Obviously, the Universe knows the best ways
and should be in charge of how your desires will manifest!
The book also focuses on how you need to be the pack
leader, calm and assertive. It's helping me strengthen
these qualities which I know will help me in all areas
of my life!
I just realized last night, what an unexpected and fun
path the Universe set up for me to manifest two of my
important intentions!
Thought I'd share that with you... thought it was pretty
cool how it all came together.
And like I always say, if we let go of the how, the
Universe will take us along the best, most joyful path
to the manifestation of our desires!
Oh, and by the way, my dogs have been amazing, big
annoying problems have disappeared, almost miraculously!
If you have dogs, you may want to check out the book!
Have a wonderful day!
Fia Crandall