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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Audio Recording Now Available: Releasing Old Patterns!

I have been pretty busy working on my teleclass
for next week. It's going to be on one of my most
passionate topics: releasing old patterns that
hold you back from creating and living your
most amazing life.

I get excited every time I help a client with a shift
from anold pattern or energy, because I know the
power of it, it's exciting for me because I know it
will have an amazing impact on what that client
will be able to attract in their lives after shifting
the energy, I've seen it over and over...

That's why I'm so happy to be sharing with you a
way to do this on your own in my next teleclass

It's now available as an audio recording, click here
for more info!

Funny thing though, as a coach and teacher you
have to live what you teach...

So for the last few days, I've been faced with
frustrating old patterns of my own, right in my face!

All so I can use the material I'll be teaching for myself
so it's fresh in my mind for the call, but I think also so
I can remember the true value of this work.

How it can take you from feeling totally blocked and
stuck to feeling free and passionate about your dreams
in only a few minutes!

I'm excited about the power, there is huge energy
building up for next week's call
, I'd love for you to join in!

Click below to find out more about this powerful teleclass
(now Audio Recording):

I'd love to "see" you on the call!

Fia Crandall