You may have different ideas of why you should
meditate, but I'd like to share what I see is the
biggest benefit. In meditation, you still your mind.
It becomes quiet...
Think of the last time your mind was racing with
unstoppable thoughts... Maybe it's like that right
now! I know for most people, having constant
thoughts is normal. I know what that's like, it was
normal for me too a few years ago.
But it's not like that for me anymore, in fact, as
soon as my mind gets into this "over-thinking"
mode, I immediately feel drained and my energy
goes way down.
So what does this mean to you?
If you find that you are constantly thinking, you
are only able to access and feel a very limited
amount of energy.
If I could show you how much more energy you
would have if you were able to quiet your mind
even for a small amount of time each day, you
would be amazed!
Because what happens when you quiet your mind
is that your Spirit begins to shine through you.
Your Higher Self or your Divinity becomes present.
So you not only have more energy, you also have
access to an infinite wisdom, creativity and even
That's why I believe meditation is beneficial. You
stop allowing your mind to constantly be in control,
you open to your more expanded, wise and loving
self to come through.
And this can open your life up in ways your mind
could never imagine... I know this has been true
in my life.
Had I left my mind in charge, there's no way I'd
be sharing my true passion through Intuitions.
I’d still be in my old engineering career, filled
with doubts, fears and uncertainty. Knowing at
a deep level what I always wanted, but not
knowing how I could actually make it happen.
It took inspiration, energy, opening to possibilities,
letting go of fear, allowing transformation within...
None of this could have happened had I let my mind
stay in charge. I had to open to a greater wisdom, to
a greater consciousness.
So try it for yourself, for the purpose of accessing
the more amazing, infinite, creative, loving self that
you really are, to open your life in wonderful ways
you can't yet imagine.
Another important point is that it is not how long you
can meditate for, it's that YOU CAN STOP your
thoughts. That's all. That you can consciously stop your
mind from it's crazy, non-stop, exhausting thinking...
and open to peace, energy, vitality, inspiration, creativity,
wisdom, and clarity. In just a moment.
Try it now, close your eyes, focus your attention within
your body and allow yourself to relax and allow the
thoughts of your day to just slip away. Focus on your
breath, just watch it, feel it.
So you are focusing on something which allows your
thoughts to stop.
If you have a hard time with that one, try a guided
meditation. In guided meditations, you are focusing
on the words so you are still stopping your thoughts,
which is the point...
I talked a bit more about this in my Heart's Wisdom
Audio Recording. How to get out of your mind, be more
present, and more than that... fully enjoy the moments
in your life now. There is a guided meditation audio from
the teleclass that you can also use... Click here to find out
Either way, begin today, even if it is for short periods
of time. Even if it is for 30 seconds, the point is why
you're doing it and that you are doing it. It's not about
performance, it's about allowing your amazing Spirit
to shine through you and into your life. Opening your
mind and energy to the wonderful possibilities for your