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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Move Beyond those Old Stories...

I've got a quick little revealing test for you...

I want you to right now list on a piece of paper or
simply in your mind, what are the reasons you aren't
able to live your dream yet.

List as many reasons come to mind.

Now I want you to put at the top of the paper: My Stories.

What you've just written out are the stories you have
created that you believe in.

By believing in these stories, you are making them
reality. They areliterally standing inbetween you
and your dreams,preventing their manifestation.

It's what you tell yourself to justify where you are and
why you're not where you want to be.

You may recognize yourself stuck in your story when
you say any of these:

I can't have that because...
It wouldn't work because...
I could only have that if I...

What follows is a "story" of why you can't have what
you want. Although it may appear to be reality to you,
what it really is is a story. It doesn't have to be true, but
when it is true in your mind, you actually continue to
attract it as your reality so it it's what you'll see in your
reality, where it becomes true.

How can you start to let go of these stories?

You just did the first step, you are now AWARE of what
they are! It's harder to change something if you don't even
know what it is.

What next?

How about a little unlimited thinking on those stories you
just gave.

For example: Maybe one story you had was: "I can't do
what I love because I don't have the education".

This is just a story.

Let's take the limits off of that thinking... Subtly, easily,
and believably.

Begin to challenge this, see it from a bigger perspective, begin
to doubt your story!

Expand your thinking, for example:

- Maybe there is a way to do what I love without having the
education I thought I needed.
- If I do need the education, maybe there is a way for me to
get it that is easy to fit into my lifestyle. (I can't go to school
because it's too expensive... OOPS! another story!)
- Okay, maybe the Universe has a way for me to go back to
school, having it easily paid for (a way I don't know yet!).
- Or maybe there is something even more amazing I can do
right now to create this new career...

Whatever you can do to take those imaginary limits off will
help to begin to make possible what you were literally blocking
from coming into your life with those old stories.

Your "logic" that was so precious to you growing up and
fitting in to this world can actually be a huge limitation
and block to any new experiences and especially to the
big dreams you have that are close to your heart.

Start now to begin to lift those limits off!

But what about the stories that are so engrained in us that
no matter what we do to change our thinking, they seem to
never go away...

This is what I call a pattern. It is a way of thinking, a way
of being that is an unconscious thing. It is so normal to you
that it is hard to see another way of being.

But it is costing you because the pattern (old story you probably
don't remember anymore, turned into a repetitive pattern in
your life) is shaping your life and what is possible for you to have,
to attract, to receive into your life.

What I have found and been so passionate about developing
is ways to use your own energy, awareness, intuition and
intention to let go of these kinds of blocks. If you want to
end some of the old stories and patternse, EASILY and
QUICKLY, even on your own, you may want to attend my
teleclass coming up on September 27th... You'll even receive
it at my special Mailing List/Blog Subscriber price (until Friday only!).

To register or find out more about the Releasing Old Patterns Teleclass,
click here:

Thanks for reading, I'd love to hear your feedback in working
with this revealing exercise!

Fia Crandall
Intuitive Coach & Healer

Copyright 2007 Fia Crandall