Recently I was feeling a bit off and realized I was a bit
out of balance. I had been focusing on 2 areas of my life
only over the last couple of days - I was taking care of
one aspect of my business and taking care of cooking for
Well that's good, but there's more to life than that!
So I opened up one of my favourite books by Iyanla
Vanzant, One Day My Soul Just Opened Up . I
love this book, I always open it to a "random" page
and it ends up being exactly what I need to hear at
that moment. I love it!
Anyway, I opened this book to the page on Discipline.
What it talked about and what I realized is that I was
not honouring what was important to me. I was doing
this with some things, but not all of what mattered
most to me.
What I learned was that you honour yourself with
discipline. This means you honour yourself with
action in the areas that are important to you. What
I realized I needed was to honour my intentions
in all areas with time. For me, I give time to
something and the action I need to take will come
to me. So I decided to honour myself with time
for things that are important for me.
Is there an area of your life that is important to you
that you are not honouring?
You can try this exercise as I did, it helped and now
I'm feeling much more balanced and honouring what is
important to me in all areas...
In the last couple days I have found myself naturally
giving myself time for these things. I guess that's the
power of clarity and pure intent!
Exercise: Honour Your Intentions with Discipline
Get a piece of paper out and write at the top:
My Intentions that I honour with discipline.
Below that write out all of the intentions or
areas of your life you'd like to honour with time
or action.
Here are a few of mine, but do it any way you like:
- Time to care for my body and health
- Time for nurturing my Divinity
- Time to take care of our home
- Time to take care of our dogs health
- Time for inspiration and creativity
- Time for fun and laughter!
I figure no matter what your situation, there is only
so much time, maybe a little or maybe a lot. Either
way, if you have intentions that are important to you
then they deserve whatever time, energy or action
that you can give them.
You honour yourself by giving what's important to you
whatever it needs...
Have a great day, honouring what's important to you...
Fia Crandall