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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stop Looking For Outside Validation of You Worth... It's Sabotaging Your Results!

Do you feel like the results you create in your life are a reflection of your worth and value? Do you feel let down when things don't turn out as good as you had intended?

Looking for outside validation of your worth is a sure way to keep you stuck in feeling unworthy. When you connect your value to anything outside of yourself you set yourself up for disappointment.

The thing is, you ARE worthy and it has nothing to do with what outer results you create. And I also have come to see that your outer results increase the more that your belief in yourself and your worth increases.

I have seen that people who don't feel worthy to begin with tend to see things in a distorted way. They rarely see the success they do create, even in the face of great success. And they are so quick to point out what they didn't do rather than the success they have created. It's just the natural way because they are driven by an unconscious unworthiness. And when you are driven by unworthiness you can't help but to look for evidence of it.

I know this all too well myself. This has been a great challenge for me as well. I realized that when you feel unworthy deep down, you set your expectations and goals almost impossibly high. You actually set yourself up for failure without realizing.

Then even if you create great success, it's no comparison to what you wanted. In one year I had increased my sales by 322%. That's a massive success! But at the end of that year I still felt like a failure because I didn't make my huge goal.

Can you see how ridiculous this is?

Do you see how you might be doing this?

You need massive proof of your worth when you feel unworthy, that's why you set your sights so high. And when you are driven unconsciously from a place of unworthiness, it is almost impossible to create those incredible results you want.

When you feel worthy, you disconnect from the outer results and celebrate ALL of your successes, because you see clearly without a distorted filter.

The one thing the Law of Attraction does is help you go for the best, to envision something truly amazing for yourself, that really is a major stretch. And this is a good thing. But you can't tie your worth to whether or not it happens as fast as you'd like or whether it happens or not.

If you really want big results, you have to go big, I'm all for that. But don't measure your value based on what you create. Make a choice to see ANY forward movement as progress that is worthy of being celebrated.

If you want to break out of this disappointment and unworthiness dilemma, you need to reverse the process.

If you want good results, you must detach from the outer results.

You must see your results as separate from you. Sure they are a reflection of you but if you attract limited results it has more to do with how you see yourself than your actual worth.

Which brings you to the second step to shifting this, you must shift your self-view if you are ever going to attract anywhere near the results that you want. Rather than watching for evidence of whether or not you are worthy, begin noticing and collecting evidence of your worth right now.

One way I did this was to start writing out self-appreciation in my gratitude journal. I just made myself list the things that I appreciated about myself. And when I looked at myself from this viewpoint I could finally see clearly...

I HAD created a lot, I did have a lot of successes worth celebrating, even if I hadn't made that impossibly high goal. I was giving myself what I needed, I was stepping up for myself and my most amazing life. I was committed. I was authentic.

And I really HAD created a lot of what I did want. The evidence was all around me. And through this I started seeing my true value and worth. It was not just shown in what I created, it was shown through who I was and how I was showing up in my life.

Break the connection between your outer results and your worth. Embrace your worth NOW, see the good, see the progress, see what is right. And you can't help but to create better results, because you will finally be coming from a place of worthiness and you won't need to validate yourself by results. And your results can finally soar.

Copyright © 2009 Fia Crandall

Sunday, November 29, 2009

You Are Meant to Do It Your Way

Do you ever get the feeling that you are being "squished" into something that you're not? Like you really are a square peg trying to force yourself into a round hole but it's not really working and you're getting tired of it?

I want to share with you something I found to be very powerful that I hope changes your views on yourself and how you are designed.

When I was in my old nine to five job I had always felt this resistance to the fact that I had to be there for those eight hours, no matter what. There was even a point in my career where there was absolutely no work for us to do and we STILL had to come in for those eight hours. It always bugged me.

Now at first I just thought it was because I wanted a dream life where I could make my own schedule and wake up when I wanted and end my days when I wanted. Now this is partly true but recently I realized something big!

I am not a nine to five person. I actually found out that my energy runs differently than what is expected when you show up for your eight hour shifts. I actually work in bursts of energy where I have this insane efficiency and get massive work done in a very short time. And I also have plenty of time where I really don't do that much at all.

I thought I was lazy or something. But looking at it now, this is really just my natural rhythm. I rest and become more receptive for a time then when it's time to take action I have full and intense energy that takes me ahead by leaps and bounds. But it's a rhythm that I need to operate in to be the most efficient.

I used to think I was a "crammer" in University. I wouldn't study until almost the day before for most exams. And it worked. I thought I was "doing it wrong" but recently I realized that no, I wasn't "doing it wrong", I just needed that downtime before the burst of energy that was sure to come along to help me do what I needed to do very efficiently.

So what does this have to do with you?

You have a way that is YOU. It is natural to you, it makes sense and it is not a bad thing. In fact, I truly believe that the work that you are uniquely designed for must be done YOUR WAY by you.

I resisted the nine to five not just because I wanted freedom. Yes I did want freedom, but it is more than that, I am actually designed to work in a certain way that allows me to do what I came here to do in the most effective and powerful way.

I need lots of down time now so I can bring through the inspiration that I'm meant to share with those I'm meant to serve. And because I allow this I bring through what is SO connected with those I'm here to serve, I hear about it all the time.

And my life is set up to match Who I Am. I stopped trying to fit myself into that round hole and instead I created (or stepped into) my place in the world that is exactly designed for me. I am free, because for me to be free means I can serve those I'm meant to serve in the highest way a way that feels wonderful and natural to me.

Can you begin to embrace the idea that your resistance you feel to certain things is actually telling you that you are meant to approach things in a different way?

That maybe you?re not being selfish for wanting to do things differently, that maybe it actually allows you to Be Who You Came Here to Be in the fullest, most meaningful way?

Activating Your Authentic Way

Allow yourself to get quiet for a moment. Imagine an ocean wave of light washes over you and takes away any tension, thoughts and stresses. Just let it go.

Now ask to be shown what resistance is showing up in your life that is actually showing you an opportunity to discover "your way".

And once you receive this, ask: "what is my way here"?

And to allow this way to more gently come into reality ask: "how can I embrace my authentic way within the exact same outer situation"?

Even when I was in my nine to five I allowed myself to work "my way". I got together my "to do" list for the day and didn't act until I felt like it. I'd start with the task with the most energy and most of the time while I was doing that I'd run into people I needed to talk to in order to take care of my other tasks on my list.

So start now, wherever you are, to embrace "your way".

And I'd like to also spark within you the idea that your entire life not only can be "your way" but is meant to be "your way".

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stop Pretending You Don’t Have Negative Emotions!

One thing that I have found is a common challenge on this path is that spiritually conscious people tend to not allow themselves to feel their negative emotions. They are strong, capable people who in general are very positive, yet in order to “stay positive” and have things “going good” they often ignore their emotions.

Sound familiar?

It is also a common fear that if you let yourself feel your negative emotions, you will plunge to the depths of them and never get out. That if you feel hurt by what someone says and you just let yourself feel it you are dwelling on it and it’s going to feel worse.

I really want to shed some light on this because it is one of the most damaging things I see spiritually conscious people tend to do to themselves. First, let’s look at what is really happening when you ignore or deny your emotions.

Do you often feel like people don’t seem to care about you as much as you want them to? About your needs and how you feel? Is your partner hurtful without realizing? Do you give so much and receive little in return?

These are all situations that you tend to attract when you are ignoring your negative emotions. And of course, this furthers the emotional denial because you are upset and it appears as though they are causing it… but they’re not. YOU are unconsciously.

Why does this happen?

Let’s go back to basic Law of Attraction, you attract what matches your energy.

By ignoring your negative emotions, what do you think is happening energetically?

You are saying that your feelings do not matter. It doesn’t matter that you’re hurt, sad, angry, in pain, heartbroken. You literally send out a vibrational message that you are not important and don’t matter.

So if that’s happening energetically, what do you think you attract?

People who tend to treat you as if you don’t matter, they don’t consider your feelings or needs. Or, you attract this behavior from the people in your life, even if they don’t mean to be like this.

And, by the way, if you are not allowing yourself to feel a negative emotion, you may think you are tricking the Law of Attraction but you’re not. You attract what matches your ENERGY. If you allow your emotions to flow, they dissipate, if you deny them, they become a part of your energy field and you attract more that matches them.

But the good news is that you can turn this around, and it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think.

Now I want to be clear up front that I am suggesting this for everyday situations where you are experiencing a not-too-deep or intense negative emotion. Deeper negative emotions tend to point to stronger, deeper energetic patterns. I don’t suggest you try to make those go away by just feeling them as they are energetically anchored into your energy field and they are there for a reason you must resolve before they will release. I prefer an easier way to shift old patterns and that is using my Intuitive Healing Process. Or if you feel it may be a psychological issue, definitely seek professional help to get through it so you can get to a place of honoring yourself and feeling your emotions as you can see it is very important!

So, let’s shift the energy around this so you can be attracting better treatment from those in your life and so you can begin to feel important, honored and valued.

It all starts with you and how you treat yourself, when I say express your emotions, I mean get them out. This doesn’t mean everyone needs to know what your emotions are, again, this centers around YOU and I don’t even care if you’re the only one who knows about them at this point. In fact, it can feel good to get your negative emotions out on paper then rip it up and dispose of it, it’s a freeing experience!

Now first, I want to go back to the fear most people have, that if you let yourself feel your negative emotions you will be consumed by them. I have found that if your intention beforehand is to honor yourself and to feel better in doing so, the more you allow yourself to feel your emotions, the more they just dissipate as you get to the depths of them! Okay, so next time you feel a slightly negative emotion coming up, instead of just brushing it off or pretending you’re fine, here’s what I want you to do:

1. Stop and give yourself some quiet time to yourself and get out your journal. Even a piece of paper will do if you don’t have a journal yet, you can even throw it away after if you don’t want anyone to see it. The point is not to have a record of your emotions, the point is to EXPRESS your emotions.

2. Start out by setting an intention or asking for support, silently or on paper. This can go something like “Please help me to honor myself and my emotions and to get to a place of feeling better”, or “I intend to go higher.” This can really make the time you spend most effective so you don’t feel like you’re dwelling on your negative emotions. You are not doing this to punish yourself, you are doing it to HONOR yourself.

3. You can also imagine yourself surrounded by the light of your Higher Self or Source, so that as you allow yourself to face your emotions, you are allowing a higher vibration to replace them. If your negative emotions are like a dark room, you are surrounding that dark room with light and by allowing yourself to feel them you are in essence opening the door and allowing the light to flood in.

4. Start writing out how you feel. You can even start your sentence off with “I feel…” and go from there. And as you are writing, let yourself FEEL your negative emotions. Don’t just write and focus on how others are behaving, that’s not the point, the point is to feel your emotions so they can begin to dissipate. And again, the point is also to honor yourself and send out the vibration of “my feelings are important, I am important!”

5. Continue until you feel relief and you feel a bit lighter.

6. Once you feel some relief, celebrate that you have taken a big step by honoring yourself and your emotions!

7. To end on a positive note, begin to write about how you want to feel and as you do, allow yourself to feel these positive, good-feeling emotions.

Making yourself a priority and honoring yourself and your emotions is an important part of your journey. This shift to allowing yourself to feel your emotions is one of the most important one you can make, and until you show you’re important you can’t attract different from others!

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Comforting Truth About Your Intuition

By Fia Crandall, Intuitions

Do you know you have intuition, but are sometimes afraid to check in with it in certain situations in your life? This can mean that part of you fears your intuition. This is actually quite common and can really slow down the progress in your life in the important areas you are afraid to check in on.

Why does this happen? Why would you fear your intuition?

This happens often when the logical mind sees a blank, it can’t figure out how something can happen, it can’t see the way. And when it does not see a possible way things can work out, it tends to automatically put scary pictures where the blank darkness of the unknown is.

It tends to think that in order for things to get better, there must be a huge leap that must be made. And that big leap is scary. “What if I fall? What if things end up being worse than they are now? What if….?” And the list goes on of all the things to fear.

Now this is normal for most people but as a spiritually conscious person, if this is happening you are forgetting about an incredible tool that you have within you.

Your intuition.

I have found that your intuition is really more like a best friend or a very loving parent. It gives you guidance from the most loving source of all, from your Higher Self, from Source, from the Universe, whatever you want to call it, it is giving you guidance from a higher source that knows only love.

Let’s go back to those areas that you are afraid to deal with because you think that a big leap must be involved. And remember, your mind, because it couldn’t see the way, assumed that it MUST be a big leap. Beyond the darkness must lie a big cliff with possibly no bottom.

Now how encouraging is this? Forget it. You would rather just have things be the same, even if it’s nowhere near where you want it to be.

So back to this cliff, what if this time you do something different? Let’s say that rather than assume it’s a big scary cliff you stop and ask for guidance… What happens?

I just love what happens…

You turn on a light.

You can see.

The darkness disappears.

You get to see the truth of what you have been afraid to see.

And so just what do you see?

In my experience, most often, what I find is that you see your next step.

That’s right, no big scary cliff, no major life change that has your world being turned upside down. Just your next step.

Now I have had to take a few big leaps in my own journey, but really they were not that big, and actually at that particular point my next logical step was a leap.

I KNEW it was time to start my business even though I just built a brand new house and had just been laid off from my engineering job. Sounds like a leap but at the time I KNEW it was my next step. I knew it was time to leave my old part-time Engineering job behind even though it was a bit of a leap, but again, it was my next logical step. There were a few more like that but again, they were my next logical steps at the time.

But you know what? Most of the time, especially if you are experiencing fear more than trust on a regular basis, there is no cliff.

I said it before, the Universe is LOVING. It’s not going to make you jump off of scary cliffs into the darkness!

It wants to show you the way, it wants to light up your path. It wants you to feel safe and confident.

And it wants you to take a leap only when it is time to take a leap. And by that point your trust and inner knowing will likely be strong enough that there is courage in place of fear. This has been my experience over and over.

The truth is, for the most part, when you ask for guidance, you get your next smallest step. It’s easy, it’s even logical, and it is your next STEP, not leap.

So going back to this darkness image again… without intuition, you see darkness and your mind assumes big, scary cliff. So you don’t want to check in with your intuition or ask for guidance because a part of you thinks that you are going to be asked to jump and you don’t want to do that so you’d rather not ask.

It’s time to rethink this!

Open to a new way. I love ease and one of the most important keys to ease is intuition. Intuition is your link with the higher plan, the bigger picture that you can’t see from your limited perspective.

Intuition knows the shortcuts, it knows the way that is the most fun and enjoyable.

It can put light where there is darkness and it can help your fear dissolve in the light of truth.

And more often than not it shows you your next step. It gives you a sense of peace and clarity that could not ever come from your logical mind. Intuition is beyond logic and that’s a good thing. Intuition lives in the realm of possibility and “how life can be”.

The Universe knows what you want! And your intuition is your guidance system to help you move along your path, helping you to move forward with ease.

Because struggle is an energy that we can now leave behind for good. And I know that it is part of my purpose to help people out of this struggle, and here is a first step for you.

I challenge you right now, especially in those areas that scare you the most, ask for guidance. You can even visualize shining light on the area you want to find out more about. And ask to be shown how it CAN be, ask to be shown the higher perspective. Ask what you have been afraid to ask before.

And if you don’t want cliffs, don’t ask cliff questions!

Don’t ask “should I leave my current relationship/job/home?” Remember, most often your next step is not a leap so don’t assume it is!

Instead ask: “What do I need to know to improve this relationship/job/home?” or “What is this relationship/job calling me to learn right now?” or “What is my next step toward what I am really wanting in this area?”

Move away from scary cliff thinking. To do that, assume there is a next smaller step and ask about it. And if it comes a time when you must make a leap you will have developed your trust and inner knowing to the point that you would not even need to ask if it’s time to take a leap, you will know. And you will have courage and trust and a deep inner knowing that you need to make a leap. But for now, trust that there is a next, easy, logical step and ask.

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Secret for Accelerating Your Results: Honor Your Truth

Are you overwhelmed by too much information, too many ideas to try, too many ways to get there?

Do you feel guided and supported in moving forward, confident in your ability to create what you want or do you still feel as unsure as you have in the past?

There is so much information and support out there. And that is great, but it can also leave you with way too much information so you don't even use any of it, or it can distract you from the specific information that is exactly what YOU need on YOUR path.

I see so many people who are trying to learn from so many sources and yet they are still not moving forward with all of this "helpful" information.

And isn't it moving forward that you"re really wanting anyway?

I understand what it's like to love to learn and be passionate about the process, but I don't want this to stop you from creating the true and profound shifts that are available specifically to you right now.

I believe each of us are on a unique path. You are on a unique journey and there is purpose behind this journey of yours. On this unique journey of yours there are certain things you can learn, certain truths to embrace that will really propel YOU forward on your unique path, to where the highest parts of yourself want you to go.

The biggest mistake I see people make (I used to do this myself in the past) is that they give away their power to experts. They trust the expert OVER their own inner knowing.

I hate seeing this!

What do I mean by giving away your power?

Is there something that you're doing because you think that you're "supposed to", even though it doesn't really feel good to you? Do you attempt to use things to improve your life because someone says it works, yet you don't feel connected to it?

This is what I mean by giving away your power, trusting an expert's truth over your own. And if you are doing this, I want you to take back your precious energy and power by honouring the truth of your being.

It is a huge secret in being able to create real results for yourself.

I am a huge believer in having a coach, if I didn't have a coach in the area I was focusing on most (my business) the last few years my business would never be where it is today. And while it's great to have a coach, and I highly recommend giving yourself this kind of support, I have learned that if you don't fully resonate with your coach, she'll never be able to help you get the results you want.

I used to think I needed to learn from logical, left-brained, business people because I was more on the other end. This was the furthest thing from the truth! If anything, this slowed me down.

Those who are most similar to you, who get you, who's truth resonates with you, who have been where you are and got out of it, can help you accelerate the results that you get more than anyone else. Because they are aligned with your truth, because you are on a similar path and they have met and overcome the challenges you have in a way that honors you.

In Step 1 of the Light Your Path Process, we establish the foundation that allows you to shift your reality from within. And a key part of this step involves knowing and honouring your truth.

I have come to believe that there is not one truth. There are many different truths, depending on who you are and the path that you’re on. I believe that each of us has our own truth, that works for us, that supports us on our specific unique path with our specific unique purpose.

And do you want to know the real key to truth?

You are the only one who knows YOUR truth.

It's true. You are the only one who knows your truth.

I trust my Light Your Path Private Mentor Clients truth over my idea of what their truth might be, always. I trust them to know what feels right and true for them, because I am not them, only they can know their truth. I trust that they are each guided from within. Of course I help them uncover their truth, and that is important but I cannot know their truth, and in the same way, only you can know yours.

So how do you know your truth?

You know your truth because when you hear it (or read it), it resonates within you.

It FEELS true for you, even if you have no explanation why.

Even if you're hearing it for the first time. Your truth feels right, without any further explanation. Something about it rings true for you and you know that from within.

You know how some things can make the most sense to you. Say you hear of a technique for manifesting for example. They say it works and in your mind you can see how, but for some reason, it doesn't feel right when you use it. There's no life to it, you are not sparked from within as you use it, it's empty because it only makes sense in your mind, it's not your truth.

If this is happening for you, this tells me that this particular technique is not for you. And you'll never get the results you want by trying to live by someone else's truth that does not resonate with yours.

So what happens when you honor your truth?

If you are willing to let go of what is not true for you, you free up your energy. You give space around you for what you actually need to come in. You are much less scattered and you have a stronger sense of direction.

Knowing your truth prevents wasted effort and struggle.

As I still am an Engineer at heart, I am all about efficiency. I love doing things with least effort and maximum effect. I really do believe life doesn't have to be hard (and because of that, things ARE so much easier!).

That's what knowing your truth allows you to do. It allows you to accelerate your results. It allows you to live in a much higher energy because you are being more authentic. By following what is true for you, what really resonates for you, you truly can accelerate your growth and the shifts in your life that you are looking for.

Honoring your truth is like listening to your intuition. And intuition ALWAYS leads you on the most joyful, ease-ful, most efficient path.

And the other benefit I see my Light Your Path Coaching Clients experience from knowing their truth is that they have such a strong sense of self and what is right for them. They trust their truth because they have seen it lead to so many breakthroughs for themselves. It gives them a clear connection to their Higher Self’s guidance and allows them to KNOW beyond a doubt what is right for them, even if it wouldn't appear that way to anyone else. They make decisions from within and their trust in life always taking them to a better and better place is so strong.

Your Light Your Path *Shifting Higher* Action Step:

Get quiet for a moment and allow yourself to look within. Ask yourself:

1. Is there something I am doing in my life that is not honouring my truth?
2. Am I trying to do something because my mind says "I should" but in the depths of my being it doesn't feel quite right?
3. Is it time to let go of someone else's way an find a way that really resonates with me?

And as you go about your days over this next week, just start noticing your truth. What rings true for you? What doesn't seem to match who you are? What are you doing because you think you "should"? And, what if I was to let go of other people's truths that are not my own and really embrace what is true for me?

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

From Restriction to Freedom

I have really had freedom on my mind a lot lately, so I want to ask you:

How free do you feel in your life right now?

Do you feel a sense of freedom as you look around at your life or do you feel restricted?

Do you feel free to be yourself? Do you feel free to live life “your way”?

Looking back, in the past I experienced way more restriction than freedom. This showed up in how I approached new experiences, how I expressed myself and it especially showed up in my career as I had suppressed my true desire of doing the work I love by choosing an "acceptable" career.

The thing is, when you have patterns around restriction, it tends to show up in many different areas of your life.

Take a moment to ask yourself, what situations in your life do you feel restricted in? In what ways do you hold your true self and desires back?

Even noticing that there is restriction there in the first place is a great start towards creating freedom.

In spite of all of this self-restriction I experienced along my journey, I always felt a deep and strong desire to be free. The one thing that I loved about University as I pursued my previous Engineering Career was that you were free in a lot of ways. You created your schedule, you chose if you showed up or not. Of course I did, but I didn’t have to, I chose to.

And the one thing I had the hardest time with in regular jobs were that you had to show up at a certain time and leave at a certain time. Maybe it’s not a big deal to everyone but it always bugged me. What if I wanted to stay up and watch my favorite show? What if I wanted to sleep in? Too bad, no freedom here.

Now I look around at my life and I am so pleased to see that I have created my life to be based in freedom. This was always one of my most important values. I love that I can go to sleep when I want, I love that I can wake up when my body just wakes up. I love that I make my schedule. I love that my work is a true, authentic, free expression of who I really am. I love to experience this true freedom every single day.

And the thing is, this freedom I now experience every day did not happen by accident. I didn’t just magically have this life given to me.

I created it, on purpose.

Just how did I do that?

I created it from within.

I realized that if I was experiencing restriction in my outer life, I MUST HAVE restrictions within me.

And if I am ever to experience freedom in my outer life, I must first create freedom within.

In Light Your Path Coaching, we create freedom from within. We identify the specific energetic patterns that are causing the restriction in our outer reality and we shift them for good using the Intuitive Healing Process. This always creates a sense of lightness as you are releasing energies and patterns, restrictions that are not really you. This is what we do to create freedom from within.

Your Light Your Path *Shifting Higher* Action Step:

Now because freedom is one of my most important values, I want to help you at least begin opening up to experiencing more freedom in your life.

To start opening up to freedom, begin by giving yourself a couple of minutes to answer the following questions to yourself. Be honest, you can’t change what you aren’t aware of.

1. What is one area of your life that feels way more restrictive than you want it to?

2. In what ways are you holding yourself back? In what ways are you holding your true desires back in this area?

3. Now likely things have been going ahead unconsciously in this area. Begin now to bring your conscious awareness to what is going on here and open to having it be a new way. Ask yourself: What would I love to be experiencing instead? What would true freedom feel like in this area?

4. Now there may be many different conflicting energies within you around allowing freedom in your life. But can you at least start by giving yourself permission to open to a new level of freedom in this area? And wouldn’t it be nice to have support creating that freedom?

If so, express your permission. “I give myself permission to open to a new level of freedom in _________ (area you are looking at). I allow myself to be supported in creating this new freedom.”

A baby step but that’s how it all starts.

Our lives are meant to be incredible, we really can experience freedom in our every day. I know this because I am living a life based in freedom now and my life looks nothing like it used to when it was shaped by restriction. Allow your journey to freedom to begin.

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall

Friday, March 27, 2009

Building An Unshakable Foundation

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall

Is there something shaking your foundation in your life right now?

Does life seem to be forcing major changes all around you?

When this happens it can make us feel fear, insecurity and sometimes even shock.

We so often feel secure in our lives when the outer situations make us feel secure. But that security is an illusion as many of you have come to find out. We feel comforted by our "rocks", our home, our relationships, our job, our financial situation. But what happens when one of those rocks starts shifting or disappears altogether? All of those "rocks" can not give you a true and unshakable foundation. Why do you think it is so hard on us when any of those rocks changes?

In the last couple of years many of my old, steady "rocks" have disappeared. I know what it's like, when this happens it can feel like we lost our foundation. It can be unsettling and scary.

Have you been experiencing your old "rocks" shifting or disappearing?

What if you could feel stable and secure no matter what was going on in your life?

What if you had new rocks? What if your foundation looked a bit different? What if it was an "energetic rock" that could never really be destroyed or fall away?

An unshakable foundation can only be found and created within. An unshakable foundation must have you and Spirit at it's core. Anything else can not give you unshakable security.

Open to having a new foundation. Imagine your foundation was built up with trust in the Universe, self-love, self-acceptance, belief in yourself, honouring of yourself, truth, freedom, and joy. And what if that were your foundation regardless of what the outer situation in your life is like?

And if you find yourself in a major transition right now, can you open to seeing that you still have a foundation regardless of what is happening around you?

Sometimes outer situations have to change. Sometimes relationships have to end. Sometimes you must leave a job or be laid off. Sometimes you must leave a home you love.

But if your foundation is rooted in trust in the Universe and belief in yourself you can see that whatever is happening in your life is for your highest good.

Highest good? Even when it feels as scary and emotional as this?

Yes. If something is leaving your life, take a moment to imagine why. I've come to see this "highest good" concept is not just the Universe deciding your fate in a way you may not like. It is the highest parts of who you are, guiding your life. Sometimes we will hold onto things that no longer serve us. Sometimes we can deny our true desires, holding onto what is out of false security and comfort.

But your Higher Self will cause things that no longer serve you to leave your life if you don't do it yourself.

Out of love.

Highest good means the best possible outcome. Not some imposed fate. It is the best possible outcome.

As our personality selves, we can't always see the big picture. We can't see how good life can be so we make the best out of what we have. This is good in some ways but can hold us back tremendously in some cases.

Open to seeing your higher foundation. Look at the trust you already feel, in life, in yourself. Bring up your inner knowing that everything is always working out, even when we can't see how at the time. Bring up your knowing that the Universe is friendly and lovingly guiding you even in the scariest of times.

Let that be your foundation. Build your foundation from within, I bet it's already partially built. Embrace it, strengthen it in whatever way you can. Let the foundation of your life be trust, truth and light. And when things are really being stirred up in your life you can rest in the true comfort of this foundation.

Friday, March 13, 2009

In Times of Fear, Remember the Inner Creates the Outer

By Fia Crandall, Intuitions

It is so normal in our society to look outside ourselves for so many things. And when we hear fearful things going on in the world around us it is easy to get caught up in it. It is so easy to give in to the fear that so many are holding.

But I want to remind you of who you really are. You are an infinite being, you are more than just your physical body, your mind, your title, your ego. Those are a part of you but only a small part.

Remember who you really are. Take a moment even right now to look within. Let your thoughts fall away and focus within. Notice that there is an energy there.

Remember it? Maybe you only notice it a little bit and that's fine. But maybe it's time that you acknowledged this deeper, bigger part of you. This part of you that always KNOWS that all is well, that you are taken care of, the part of you that only knows love and abundance.

It is only us that can limit our abundance. No one outside of us can do that to us without our allowing of it. And we limit our abundance so easily by allowing restrictive thoughts and going into fear.

Feel the energy of that fear and nervousness. It wants you to shrink down and feel lower than you are. It wants to lower your vibration.

And what does that mean? It is an illusion. And one you don't have to buy into.

You are not alone and you are not small. There is a deeper, wiser part of you that is your true source of abundance. And you aligning with this energy of abundance and love will help you let go of fear and begin to move into trust. And it is this shift of energy that will help you create abundance in your outer reality.

No matter what.

Remember, the inner creates the outer. If you hold fear, the Universe brings you what matches your energy, which means more to fear. If you hold trust and the vibration of abundance, you can manifest that in your outer reality. No need to fear your thoughts, just lovingly notice when you are in fear or nervousness and remember that the inner creates the outer and that you have a choice in any moment to remember spirit. To remember that your true nature is only abundance.

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Releasing the Trap of the Ego

By Fia Crandall, Intuitions

Do you find yourself feeling dull and lifeless at times? Like the outer experience of your life is missing some depth, joy or richness?

Or maybe you are wanting something outside yourself to make you happy. Is that what your desires are, a way to give you the wonderful feelings within you feel you are missing?

All of these things I have been realizing point to an underlying cause. Living life too much on the surface, too much from the ego. Whenever we lack the positive emotions we want to feel, whenever we are looking outside ourselves for things or other people to make us happy, we are likely operating too much from the ego.

Over the past week I have been getting message after message on this. I love how that happens. And because I know you may be in a similar place I want to share with you what I have realized to shift this, and also share a special audio I channeled for you. When you realize you have been floating on the surface of life, operating from the ego there are a few important things to remember.

* YOU are the source of all the good in your life.

Ego thinks that all of the good we want is outside of us, something we must strive for, which is actually an empty process that never ends. We attract based on our vibration, our energy. All of the potential for your life in how you can feel or what you can attract lies within you. Your spirit is within you. This is your source.

Remember this when your ego takes over telling you outer things are what you need to make you happy. Remember that you can attract all of the outer things you want when you are connected to your true source, your spirit.

* Your spirit, your Divinity is your source, a well that is ever-present within you, awaiting you to access it.

Have you ever meditated? Do you remember the feeling of it? For me it is this beautiful, wonderful energy that moves within me. When I connect with it I remember that all is well, this joy and life starts to become who I am. Or, I remember that this is who I really am.

When your ego takes over, remember it only takes a moment to reconnect with your source and your ego shrinks as you remember who you really are. And it is this source that can fill you with all of the love, peace, trust and energy that you could ever desire. It never comes from ouside of us even when it appears that way. We really are the source.

* We are all pieces of Divinity, parts of the whole, of all that is Ego sees us as separate. It is this separateness that leads to us feeling as though all good is outside of us. It is this separateness that causes fear and lack. When we connect with our spirit, we KNOW that we are all connected and that there is nothing to fear. We remember our infinite nature, that there is only abundance when we are connected to and coming from our Divinity.

And from this connection to our spirit, we have infinite power to create all we desire.

Your Light the Path to Your Potential Call to Action:

I was so inspired by the feeling of connecting to my own spirit that I channeled this quick guided meditation for you. Give yourself 10 minutes for you to connect to your spirit and open to the wonderful gifts this connection can bring to you. Give yourself this special time to connect with your source, with who you really are. So you can go deeper in your daily life, so you aren't being thrown around on top of the waves of life seeking that which actually lies below the surface.

So you can come from the depths of your being. That infinite source of love and all that is good. Remember that you are not the turbulent wave, you have a depth that runs deep down to the ocean floor. You have a solid foundation and stillness that you can connect with at any time. And with that knowing the waves calm and you remember that all is well. And from this knowing life becomes brighter and richer.

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Moment You Can Finally Leave Old Groove of "What Has Always Been"

By Fia Crandall, Intuitions

There is really no success or failure, it is more like a continuous progression forward. I used to find myself giving up on my deepest desires every other week. Wanting so badly to be doing what I love full time and a part of me feeling as though it was impossible. I'd try and try, do this and that. I'd read another book. I'd try another technique that came my way. And each time I'd try something new I'd think "this is it, THIS is what I was missing, NOW it will finally happen". Yet it didn't. At least not in this instantaneous magical way I was hoping for.

You know if there's one thing I've learned in my own journey it is that it is a journey and hoping and wishing for that magic pill that magically transforms your life overnight just leads to the frustration of giving up thousands of times along the way. Since it is a journey and all that is coming your way, all that you are learning is helping you advance on your path, why not just embrace the journey? You're not failing if your desire isn't here yet. You're on the journey. If you have expressed any form of intention the road starts to unfold before you.

While it is a journey, I'm guessing you don't want that journey to take forever. I didn't either. It just helps to have the most supportive perspective to ensure you are moving forward and not giving up at every turn.

And there's good news. As you may already know, I am a big fan of speed and ease. I KNOW manifesting your biggest desires can be done slowly or quickly, with pain and difficulty or with ease.

Yes it is a journey, but there really are a few important keys to acceleration. But do you want to know what really got me onto an accelerated path, this year, and in 2007 as well?

I can remember this happened twice. Once in 2007 before I made the shift to doing this work full time. And once in 2008 before I created the most fulfilling year I can remember.They were the moments that changed everything. They were the moments that took me off of the "groove" I was in and allowed me to begin my accelerated journey into the new groove, the new reality I so deeply desired.

In March of 2007 I went on a vacation that was a lot of fun and also had purpose in it. I booked it at the last minute and so was on my flight home by myself. Not long before I got on the plane, my Mom handed me a book she picked up and said, "I keep reading this thinking, this is for you".

So I read. And as I read the desire within me for true and real change was sparked. I got home, went into my job and lost my voice. Doctor said take 3 days off. That works because I only worked 3 days a week. I continued to read that book and something important happened.It wasn't so much about the book I was reading. It was what came from it.After putting the book down I decided once and for all, that I 100% wanted my desire. I accepted it completely and chose it. Never before did I have such clarity and complete commitment.

Sound too simple?

I know that it was in THAT moment that things REALLY started moving forward. Up to that point I wanted my desire, but part of me was still comfortable holding on to the old. Part of me accepted the struggle of "making it happen".

Until that moment. In that moment I accepted that there was no other way. There was no failure. I chose that desire fully and completely. I let go of any watered-down versions of it. I chose that desire with all of my being.

And that is what opened all the doors and started the process of real positive change. Within a month things were in the works to change my situation and less than two months later I was doing what I loved full-time.

Your Light the Path to Your Potential Call to Action:

Dig deep. Be honest with yourself. Get out a pen and paper and answer the following questions, writing all that comes to mind:

Is there a part of you that feels comfortable being "not quite there yet"?

Is there a part of you that accepts things as they are and maybe takes comfort in the struggle of it all?

Is there a part of you that is afraid of this seemingly wonderful and positive change you are wanting?

Be honest. There are parts of you not in alignment with your desire and you are better off acknowledging this so they don't hold you back.Now get clear. Of all that has come to mind in answering those questions, ask yourself: "Are any of these reasons really worth not having my desire become my reality?".The truth is, the journey is guided. Yes there are fears and doubts along the way, but there are also ways to deal with them. Isn't your desire worth it?It's up to you now. If you feel more sure of your desire, claim it. Let the Universe know that this is what you want and there's no turning back. Even if you don't know how it will come about. Exercise the power of your intention and claim this new reality for yourself

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Will I Ever Live that Life I Envision?

By Fia Crandall, Intuitions

If you're like a lot of people I talk to, you're tired of being stuck and held back from what you most want in your life. You have some idea about what you want, and have probably been trying to make it happen. Yet it's nowhere in sight.

Feeling tired of being stuck can be a powerful place to be in if it creates the desire within you to make the changes you want. But I often see people getting trapped here in this stuck feeling.

And if you stay here to long you might end up feeling like giving up on what you want most. That feeling of "stuckness" becoming so normal that the idea of making good things happen seems almost impossible.

And you know what? It IS impossible from that low-vibration state!

And the thing is, most people tend to feel stuck when they try to make positive changes and don't see results right away. They look at what is and feel disappointment.

As hard as seems, if you don't pull yourself out of this not-so-good feeling state, you'll never create what you really want.


The Universe can only bring you what matches your energy. That's the Law of Attraction.

So until you shift to a better feeling state, until you start to get back some of that hope and belief in what's possible, the outer can not shift to the better-feeling reality that you want.

It won't happen.

I can remember feeling frustrated at the reality I looked at. Knowing what I wanted, to do the work I love full-time, yet being "stuck" in my old career. Yes, that was the outer reality at that time, but what was creating my future reality was my energy in the moment. Was how I felt day to day. Was the energy I showed up in.

And you change your future from where you are now. Right now, in whatever situation you are in.

One day I realized, if I didn't get myself out of disappointment and hopelessness, I'd never have the reality that I wanted. It would have been impossible. So I made a promise to myself that I would show up feeling as good as possible, enjoying what is as best as I could, no matter what. I let go of that "will it ever change?" sad-feeling approach, and chose to do what I could to shift my outer reality from within.

A few months later my outer reality did change. And not in the hopeless and seemingly impossible way I thought it would. It changed with miracles, synchronicities and blessings I could not have predicted.

I would like you to get out of this too. Because the outer changes only after your energy does. And you are the only one in charge of that.

Copyright 2009 Fia Crandall